Thursday, May 31, 2012 Business Plan or Strategy ? A Road Map

I know, not the most exciting task, but vital all the same.? The good news is that since you are developing a new nonprofit, it is highly unlikely that your business plan will land on the desk of a bank loan officer.? This does not take away from the serious nature of the plan and the importance of effective writing; it simply means that you will not have to undergo a forensic level of accounting and projections in order to devise a workable and realistic plan.? The document may indeed be a detailed, comprehensive business plan or a broad stroke business strategy ? either way ? the document is a living one, and quite necessary as a road map to review and reflect upon as you navigate the various challenges and unanticipated encounters during the nonprofit development process.

Avoid tipping round the requirement.? Commit to developing and completing a business plan or business strategy that is relevant and well thought out.? A thirty day window writing period should be sufficient.? In the course of developing the plan you will notice that questions and considerations start to surface that were not considered during the conceptualization process.? This experience allows for a more crystallized perspective and increases your ability to forecast obstacles and opportunities.? Remember, the cost of making an error while writing a business plan is no greater than the price of an eraser.? Not realizing certain fault areas until after funding and execution may lead to catastrophic consequences ? so write the plan.? If you are challenged by the conceptualization and writing process, seek help. If you do not have a resource or affiliate that you deem suitable, Hillman B2 provides a Creative Writing service for such tasks.

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Alternative Therapies To Eradicate Cellulite | Pisco Holico

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Alternative Therapies To Eradicate Cellulite

Article by David Davis

Alternative Therapies To Eradicate Cellulite ? Health ? Fitness

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If you suffer from cellulite, you may be tempted to think that surgery such as liposuction would be the ideal solution. It is important to keep in mind, however, that in dealing with cellulite, cosmetic surgery is is not always the safest or even the most effective method. In fact, it is likely that even if you do have liposuction, you will still tend to collect cellulite in the same locationss. Instead of relying on surgery for treatment, you might want to consider alternative treatments for eliminating your cellulite. There are many cellulite treatments available. Though they it is unlikely that they will permanently cure your cellulite, they will help reduce its appearance. Additionally, these methods are always safer than enduring the risks associated with surgery.

Mesotherapy is a cellulite treatment that has much popularity in Europe. In fact, this alternative therapy was created by a French doctor, Dr. Pistor, in 1952. Mesotherapy actually consists injecting the patient into and around the site where they experience cellulite. The injections themselves consist of natural substances like vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The patients endure this process weekly during the course of several months and typically the results are very positive. This can be an expensive process and it can be difficult to find mesotherapy experts, but the resuls are generally very good.

The body wrap is one treatment used by many women. While the experts are still not convinced about the effectiveness of body wraps, they do provide an opportunity for relaxation for those who get them. Therefore, even when relaxation is your ultimate goal, you can try one. The basic principle behind a body wrap is that it is supposed to eliminate toxins from the body and leave you with decreased water weight and increased contouring. It can be effective with relation to cellulite because the wrap can help stimulate lymphatic flow to the skin cells and this can aid in a reduction of the appearance of cellulite.

One of the most over-looked methods in the treatment of cellulite is simple exercise. Exercise is very effective in reducing the appearance of cellulite. Studies indicate that cycling and walking are two of the most beneficial exercises to eliminate the appearance of cellulite. Both activities target cellulite-prone areas, such as buttocks and legs. Therefore, if a walk or bike ride can be added to your daily schedule, it will likely alter your cellulite.

Instead of consulting your plastic surgeon about cosmetic surgery, talk to him or her about alternative therapies available to aid in the reduction of the appearance of cellulite. Your doctor might suggest other therapies available as well. Going under the knife is hardly the sole recourse available to those who dislike their cellulite.

About the Author

David Davis writes for several popular Internet magazines, on health tips and health and wellness issues.

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whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.

David Davis

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tolkien's Advice About Relationships: Writing Real Romance ...

J.R.R. Tolkien and his wife Edith.

J.R.R. Tolkien had three sons and one daughter, and in a letter to his son Michael he discusses his views on women?s issues, marriage and the truth about men in relationships. ?In this letter written in March 1941, Tolkien is very explicit, and very wise on the subject.

As a writer, we can glean from his ideas the truth about relationships and challenge ourselves to write romantic stories that are more realistic and much more complex in nature.

1. ?Chivalry is Fantasy ? Tolkien writes: ?There is in our Western culture the romantic chivalric tradition still strong, though as a product of Christendom (yet by no means the same as Christian ethics) the times are inimical to it. ?It idealizes ?love? ? and as far as it goes can be very good, since it takes in far more than physical pleasure, and enjoins if not purity, at least fidelity, and so self-denial, ?service?, courtesy, honor, and courage? This is, of course, false and at best make-believe? (p. 48-49). ?Tolkien believes that this type of love is best kept to the fantasy of fiction and is not possible in the real world. ?It works great to make lovers swoon, and it is nice to dream about it, but he says that chivalric love makes a man forget a woman?s desires by placing her on a pedestal, idealizing her until she is not real. ??It takes, or at any rate has in the past taken, the young man?s eye off women as they are, as companions in shipwreck not guiding stars? (p. 49). ?It is the idealized woman on the cover of Cosmo who is airbrushed until she is a Barbie doll. ?Lately, as in the case of the?Twilight novels, this ideal is reversed so that the female places the male on the pedestal. ?Edward is the perfect guy who does not exist. ?Tolkien says that what this does is ?make young folk look for a ?love? that will keep them always nice and warm in a cold world, without any effort of theirs; and the incurably romantic go on looking even in the squalor of the divorce courts? (p. 49). ?It can only lead to disaster. ?Should our fiction teach our young the truth or lead them down a path of fantasy that destroys any hope of a true relationship in the future? ?I say tell the truth.

2. ?Observations About Women ? Tolkien writes: ?The sexual impulse makes women (naturally when unspoiled more unselfish) very sympathetic and understanding, or especially desirous of being so (or seeming so), and very ready to enter into all the interests, as far as they can, from ties to religion, of the young man they are attracted to? Under this impulse they can in fact often achieve very remarkable insight and understanding, even of things otherwise outside their natural range; for it is their gift to be receptive, stimulated, fertilized (in many other matters than the physical) by the male?It is their natural avenue to love? (p. 49). ?According to Tolkien, women are unique from men in that they have the innate ability to love regardless of the situation or how many times they have been hurt by the one they love. ?They are more forgiving than men in this regard, and it is in their nature to not strike back and that women only do so because the men in their lives have warped this natural nature. ?He says that ?women who are flighty, or even plain wanton ? I don?t refer to mere flirtatiousness, the sparring practice for the real combat, but to women who are too silly to take even love seriously, or are actually so depraved as to enjoy ?conquests?, or even enjoy the giving of pain ? but these are abnormalities, even though false teaching, bad upbringing, and corrupt fashions may encourage them? (p. 50). ?He does not blame the woman for her ?unnatural? behavior, but her surroundings. ?Women naturally love.

3. ?Tolkien as Feminist ? The most interesting thing he has to say about women is this: ?A young woman, even one ?economically independent? as they say now (it usually really means economic subservience to male commercial employers instead of to a father or a family), begins to think of the ?bottom drawer? and dream of a home, almost at once. ?If she really falls in love, the shipwreck may end on the rocks. ?Anyway, women are much less romantic and much more practical?They do not want a guiding star. ?They may idealize a plain young man into a hero; but they do not really need any such glamour either to fall in love or remain in it. ?It they have any delusion it is that they can ?reform? men? (p. 50). ?The first idea is feminist in that it shows that he sees women who are successful in the business world as still working in a patriarchal society according to the roles that men have defined for them. ?He seems to use a disdainful tone toward women?s roles being defined by the men in a male dominated society.

4. ?Observations About Men ? Tolkien writes: ?No man, however truly he loved his betrothed as bride as a young man, has lived faithful to her as a wife in mind and body without deliberate conscious exercise of the?will, without self-denial? When the glamour wears off, or merely works a bit thin, they think they have made a mistake, and that the real soul-mate is still to find. ?The real soul-mate too often proves to be the next sexually attractive person that comes along? (p. 51). ?Men are driven by one thing (and we all know what that is) and it is a struggle for a man to stay with one woman his entire life. ?I can say that from experience it is the love for my wife as a person that has kept me with her these 14 years. ?I suppose there is a little of the chivalric within me, but the reason I stay faithful to my wife and fight the natural desire of looking at other women is because she and I have formed not just a relationship of lovers but a relationship along the nature of what a best friend would be. ?It is no wonder that so many marriages end in divorce. ?Men are naturally prone to wander. ?Tolkien continues: ?Only a?very wise man at the?end of his life could make a sound judgement concerning whom, amongst the total possible chances, he ought most profitably have married! ?Nearly all marriages, even happy ones, are mistakes; in the sense that almost certainly (in a more perfect world, or even with a little more care in this very imperfect one) both partners might have found more suitable mates. ?But the ?real soul-mate? is the one you are actually married to? (p. 51). ?Men need to realize that the person they married is indeed someone who is perfect for them if the reasons they married them are pure and not merely sexual. ?The problem with marriage today is that people do not marry their best friend, but their best sex partner. ?If we all married our best friend, our marriages would work out much better.

5. ?Real Relationships Hurt ? There is an element of risk in any relationship, but our society has put padding on all things that could hurt us, and so we automatically think that our relationships should be the same. ?Tolkien writes: ??the truly great and splendid in this fallen world is more nearly achieved by ?failure? and suffering? (p. 52). ?We have as our guides only ?prudence, wisdom (rare in youth, too late in age), a clean heart, and fidelity of?will? (p. 52). ?I cannot count the times that my wife and I have had difficult moments in our relationship of 15 years. ?We always manage to work it out. ?If our relationship was purely sexual, it would have died out a long time ago. ?I love my wife because she loves me and cares deeply about me. ?I love my wife because she is at the core my best friend on this earth. ?The things that have been struggles for us have indeed made us stronger. ?We do not hold grudges, do not let the sun go down until we have made up, and try our best to forgive one another when we fall down.

What this means for writers:? Good relationships in fiction, relationships that will make readers want to read on, are relationships that understand the true nature of men and women, sprinkled with an element of romance (enough to make it interesting yet not unrealistic) and will have an aspect of pain and discomfort that will be that much more wonderful when those in the relationship figure out how to make it work, how to forgive one another, and how to work together. ?If we steer ourselves away from the desire as writers to please our audiences with nonsense fantasy relationships in favor of what is really necessary in the real world for these connections to work, we will not only be telling the truth, but we will be doing our world a service as well.

All quotations taken from:

Carpenter, Humphrey, ed.?The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien. 1st ed. Massachusetts: George Allen & Unwin, 1981. Print.

More of ?Tolkien?s Tips?:

Tolkien?s 5 Tips for Writing to an Audience

Tolkien?s Tips for Creating Complex Heroes

Tolkien?s Tips for Creating Epic Heroes

Tolkien?s 10 Tips for Writers

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Spurs get 'nasty' to take 1-0 lead over Thunder

SAN ANTONIO (AP) ? Trailing in the fourth quarter, Gregg Popovich snarled an order in the huddle that the NBA Coach of the Year punctuated with a sharp and angry sweep of his hand.

"I want some nasty!"

But truthfully, Popovich was already getting what he really wanted: the San Antonio Spurs finally in a game they might actually lose.

Popovich's caught-on-camera "nasty" command in Game 1 of the Western Conference finals is likely coming soon to T-shirts, Internet memes and the lexicon of the NBA playoffs for the foreseeable future. But after beating the Oklahoma City Thunder 101-98 on Sunday night for their 19th win in a row ? tying the NBA record for longest winning streak kept alive in the playoffs ? Popovich wasn't flustered by the near-loss.

He was almost grateful for it.

"We wanted it about 15 games ago," Popovich said. "At least I did."

Manu Ginobili scored 26 points as the Spurs escaped a tantalizing near-upset for the young Thunder, who came closer than anyone to beating the Spurs for the first time in 46 days. But a nine-point lead didn't last after the famously mercurial 63-year-old Popovich huddled his lagging team together in the fourth and told them to "get nasty."

"I said that?" Popovich said afterward.

A nationally television audience heard it.

"The heat of the game, stuff comes up," Popovich said. "So I talked to them about they've got to get a little bit uglier, get a little more nasty, play with more fiber and take it to these guys. Meaning you have to drive it, you have to shoot it."

And when they did, the Thunder couldn't keep up.

Kevin Durant led the Thunder with 27 points. Russell Westbrook had 17, and insisted he was OK after taking a spill that was nasty in its own right ? face first, bracing his fall with his hands and sitting under the basket for more than a minute while the entire Thunder bench walked across the court to check on their All-Star point guard.

"I shot good shots, made good passes," Durant said. "Unfortunately, we lost."

After being held to just 16 third-quarter points, San Antonio scored 39 in the fourth. Westbrook chalked it up to a defensive breakdown that "got out of hand" but it still left the Thunder in search of the road win they'll need to in this series to reach the NBA finals for the first time since the franchise moved to Oklahoma City in 2009.

Game 2 is Tuesday night.

"How it happened is irrelevant," Thunder guard Derrick Fisher said of letting a lead slip away. "Whether we lose by 20 or lose by one, we lost."

That's something the Spurs haven't been able to say since April 11. They joined the 2001 Lakers as the only other team to carry a winning streak this long in the playoffs ? and that Los Angeles team did so on its way to a championship.

The Spurs matched the fourth-longest streak in NBA history, and with one more will become just the fourth team to surpass 20. Tim Duncan had 16 points and 11 rebounds, and Tony Parker shook off a dismal start to finish with 18 points.

And of getting "nasty"?

"Pop's always trying to motivate us," Parker said.

But it was Ginobili who steered the Spurs to strike first in a highly anticipated matchup of the West's top two teams for practically the entire regular season. In his first game against the Thunder this year ? he was sidelined by injury in the three regular-season meetings ? Ginobili put up a playoff high after sputtering through the first two series.

"It just happened," Ginobili said. "I don't know how exactly because I haven't scored like this all season long, but it happened and I am very happy about it."

On the other end, Oklahoma City's own Big Three struggled to find its shot early before awakening in the second half. Durant, Westbrook and James Harden at one point through the second quarter were 5 of 21 ? a typically ominous stat line for a trio that had been responsible for nearly 70 percent of Oklahoma City's points through the playoffs so far.

The Thunder were ousted in the Western Conference finals a year ago and were in position for home-court advantage throughout the playoffs until being overtaken by the Spurs in the final month of the season. But it was a fittingly close opener for two franchises with so many similarities.

That includes Thunder general manager Sam Presti ? the architect of the Thunder's rapid turnaround from a 23-win season to consecutive Western Conference finals in just four years ? getting his big break in the NBA as an intern in San Antonio.

And the Thunder didn't even need their own Big Three to keep things close.

They leaned on none more so than Fisher, whose famous game-winner for the Lakers on this same court in the 2004 playoffs has made "0.4 seconds" a phrase that needs no further explanation to the Spurs. Eight years later, and the oldest player in this series at 37, Fisher already met his playoff average at halftime and finished with 13 points.

Gary Neal added 12 points and was the only other Spurs player in double figures.

Harden lost in the first round of his matchup with Ginobili, who's also a lefty and a former Sixth Man of the Year winner. Harden finished with 19 points on 7-of-17 shooting but started by missing nine of his first dozen shots.

Tipping off another conference finals couldn't happen soon enough for Oklahoma City. With nothing to do but prepare for the Spurs all week ? and be asked about the Spurs ? the Thunder grew weary of questions about being perceived underdogs. About not having the same championship pedigree. About how they'll possibly stop a team rolling through one of the 10 longest winning streaks in NBA history.

So repetitive were the questions that Durant, visibly annoyed, suggested earlier this week that someone instead ask how the Thunder are going "to come at" the Spurs. That didn't stop Oklahoma City from facing more of the same at shootaround Sunday morning, when Thunder coach Scott Brooks tried quashing again the idea his team was somehow intimidated.

"They're not going to be in awe. They're going to have respect for them," Brooks said. "We know we can beat them."

They've still got to prove it.

Notes: Spurs C DeJuan Blair has given the Thunder fits in his three NBA seasons, including 22 points on them in a March win. But San Antonio's starting center for practically the entire season didn't play for the third consecutive playoff game. "The game will tell us what's appropriate and what's not," Popovich said before tipoff. ...Just because a Boston-Oklahoma City matchup in still possible in the NBA finals doesn't mean center Kendrick Perkins is hopeful about facing his old team. "I really don't care," Perkins said of the Celtics advancing. ...Gov. Rick Perry took in his first Spurs game this year, sitting courtside next to Spurs owner Peter Holt, a major donor to the former Republican presidential candidate.

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Senior priest testifies at sex abuse trial

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thomas, Decker building rapport with Manning

ENGLEWOOD, Colo. (AP) ? Peyton Manning's two biggest targets are a pair of promising young receivers who have already made their mark in the NFL despite spending lots of time on the sideline.

Neither Demaryius Thomas nor Eric Decker has put together a complete season in the NFL ? or, for that matter, a full offseason. Both missed much of the lead-up to their rookie year in 2010 with foot injuries. Last year there was the lockout, plus another injury for Thomas.

Decker shined for two months last season but faded after Tim Tebow took over at quarterback for Kyle Orton. Thomas missed the first half of the season with a torn Achilles tendon and a shattered thumb but was unstoppable down the stretch.

Decker went down with a knee injury early in the Denver Broncos' wild-card playoff game against Pittsburgh, and Thomas stepped up with four catches for 204 yards, including an 80-yard TD catch from Tebow on the first play of overtime.

Like Kirk Gibson's improbable homer off Dennis Eckersley in the 1988 World Series, it's an electrifying, iconic moment in sports that's been replayed countless times.

"Yeah, I've replayed it a couple times myself," Thomas said Wednesday. "I actually replayed it last night. I was in my bed on I was on the computer and I typed my name in."

He said it was just as thrilling watching it for the thousandth time on YouTube as it was on that January night in Denver when he dashed into history.

"Yeah, it puts chills in my body," said Thomas, who has been dogged by a broken foot, sprained ankle, concussion, torn Achilles and broken thumb since turning pro.

Once the season was over, Decker's strained knee ligament quickly healed. He said Wednesday he would have tried to play in the AFC title game had the Broncos gotten past New England that following week.

Thomas had to undergo another operation to remove pins from his left thumb. So, he was sidelined once again when Manning signed with Denver in March and immediately began throwing passes to Decker, his new workout buddy.

Thomas insists he wasn't jealous that Decker quickly formed a rapport and rhythm with Manning and wasn't about to rush back to catch up.

"I basically just wanted to come in healthy and whenever I started, I started," said Thomas, who returned to the field last month and has been doing yoga in hopes it will help him stay healthy.

While the biggest question facing the Broncos in 2012 is whether Manning can take a hit and get back up after missing all of last season because of a nerve injury that caused weakness in his throwing arm, another big issue is whether Thomas can finally stay off the sideline.

"That's my question mark," he said.

Decker knows he has to stay strong, too. He admits now that he wore out last season.

"I think for me it's finding that right balance nutritionally, getting enough sleep, working and grinding in the weight room, because I did feel I lost some weight, lost some strength, mentally, it dragged on me a little bit because that was my first full season of playing a lot every game," Decker said.

Now, both Thomas and Decker are at full strength, running routes at practice and eager to see what roles they can play in Manning's aerial show.

For once, they're not sitting out the offseason.

"It's been great," Decker said. "Just the fact of having time to work your craft, to get in the weight room and focus on certain things that make you more explosive, that can help you on the football field and also just being able to catch balls every day and run routes and go against the defense ... it makes it so much easier when training camp rolls around in August."

"I think it'll be a big impact just to come in healthy, go through OTAs and be able to go through minicamp," Thomas said. "Just to see stuff and to get the reps. Because I was here, I saw it, but I never got the reps. And I think that will help me out."

Now that the offense and defense are facing each other, Thomas and Decker are getting used to Manning switching things up at the line of scrimmage as he steps up to the line and digests the defense.

"The famous Peyton Manning," Decker said. "It's been great. He's such an intelligent person, it's unbelievable. He's almost too smart for himself. He's very communicative, so he digests and tells us what is rolling through his mind."

Thomas also worked out this offseason at his alma mater, Georgia Tech, catching passes from Cam Newton and collecting tips from Calvin Johnson. Manning said it's the Broncos' collection of experienced cover cornerbacks ? Champ Bailey and newcomers Drayton Florence and Tracy Porter ? who will really help Denver's young receiving corps blossom.

Decker said it's a dream to catch passes from Manning and nightmare to face Bailey. The two have 22 Pro Bowls between them.

It's a mix he's sure will pay dividends this season ? providing he and Thomas can stay healthy.


Reach out to AP Pro Football Writer Arnie Stapleton on Twitter:

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Oregon Dressage Society News and Announcements ? Chehalem ...

Thanks everyone for?the?great turnout?at our May meeting. ? ?We had 20 people attend to hear Pamela Smith talk about the structure of the hoof, the importance of balanced feet, and what to look for in a healthy, balanced foot. ? I think we all came away with a greater awareness of what to watch for in our horses, to assure they stay balanced and sound. ?It was a great slide presentation, speach, and even bones to look at.

Prior to the presentation we briefly discussed a few business items:

Kelly Cecil is a trainer that works with natural horsemanship methods?for groundwork and riding. ?We would like to schedule a clinic with Kelly for anyone interested in learning to?build a stronger bond, gaining a?better understanding of?how to ?speak? to our horses, and how to get the most out of our time with them. ??Spots?will be?limited to 6 horses, which will be reserved on a first come first reserved basis. ?We don?t have an exact price, or time yet, but I need to know how many people think they would be interested in such a clinic.??I?ve watched?Kelly work and interact with horses and I?ve seen the results, and I am totally?in awe of what can be?accomplished when you learn to speak their language.? I?d like to schedule something in July, so please send me an email, if you?re interested. ?I will let everyone know, as soon as we get the time and cost worked out. ?At this point, I?d like to know if there is enough interest to proceed with planning a special clinic for the chapter.? We will also allow auditing the clinic, if all spots fill, or you choose not to bring your horse.? Let me know if you would prefer to?audit, or participate with your horse.
Don?t Forget??The Ride-a-Test is scheduled for July 7. ?If you have time to volunteer, please contact Jane Baer at ?I?m attaching the entry form again, for anyone still planning to sign up to ride.
We discussed having a trail clinic at Clover Valley this summer. ?More information to follow.
Clover Valley is hosting a Tack Sale on Saturday, June 23 from 8 to 4. ?Cost for a table is $5. ?Please contact Myla Natvig at 503-260-9425, to reserve a spot. ?The sale will be advertised via local media. ?Their previous sale was a huge success for everyone that participated, so this is a good opportunity to sell things you no longer need, or to pick up things you may need.
Clover Valley is considering bringing Debbie Spence for a dressage clinic. ?Because Debbie travels from Washington there needs to be a commitment for 18 rides over a Saturday and Sunday. ?Anyone ?interested in riding with Debbie, please send me an email, so we can get a headcount of those interested.
Our next meeting is Monday, June 11, at Clover Valley Equestrian Center starting at 7. ?This will be a business meeting to finalize plans for the Ride-a-Test, and to complete the events calendar for the year.? Please bring your ideas for clinics, speakers, or events that you would like to see happen.
Don?t forget to send me a message if you?re interested in the Kelly natural horsemanship clinic, or the Debbie Spence dressage clinic.
Hope to see you at the June meeting,

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Renaming Al Qaeda to Tanthim al-Jihadi litahrir al-aksa wa-tawhid al-Umma?

According to newly released documents, Osama bin Laden mulled renaming Al Qaeda amid worries that the terrorist group had become a tarnished brand.

By Whitney Eulich,?Staff writer / May 3, 2012

Supporters of Pakistani religious party Jamiat-e-Ulema-e-Islam hold an image of Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden during an anti-American rally in Quetta on May 2. About 300 Pakistani Islamists took part in the rally on Wednesday.

Naseer Ahmed/Reuters


Inside his secret compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, Osama bin Laden mulled renaming Al Qaeda amid worries that the terrorist group had become a tarnished brand.?

Skip to next paragraph Whitney Eulich

Latin America Editor

Whitney Eulich is the Monitor's Latin America editor, overseeing regional coverage for and the weekly magazine. She also curates the Latin America Monitor Blog.

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That's one of the details tucked in thousands of pages of documents that were seized in last year's Navy SEAL raid.?West Point?s Center for Combating Terrorism (CTC) released a study of 17 declassified documents today, offering a window into Mr. bin Laden?s views.

The report notes that one of ?the most compelling? stories to come out of the declassified documents is bin Laden?s struggle to rein in Al Qaeda affiliates, and keep his intended message and branding on track.

?I plan to release a statement [announcing] that we are starting a new phase to correct [the mistakes] we made; in so doing, we shall reclaim, God willing, the trust of a large segment of those who lost their trust in the Jihadis,? bin Laden wrote in 2010.

The CTC report notes that though bin Laden publicly condemned the West, focusing on the repression and injustices exacted on Muslims by countries like the US, his private correspondence reveals that he was particularly pained by domestic jihadi attacks on Muslims.

His frustration may have even led bin Laden to consider rebranding his Al Qaeda movement as a whole. One letter by an unknown author suggests a list of potential names?(see English translated document?# 0000009).?Some of the proposed options are aimed at making followers of Islam feel more included in the organization.

But pithy they are not:

*?Tanthim al-Jihadi li-tawhid al-Umma wa-inkathiha, which means Jihad Organization for Unification and Rescue of the Nation,

* Tanthim al-Jihadi litahrir al-aksa wa-tawhid al-Umma, or Jihad Organization to Liberate Al-Aqsa and Unify the Nation,

* Hizb tawhid al-Umma al-Islamiya, Islamic Nation Unification Party.

Damage control was an apparent concern for the organization that has little oversight on an operational level with affiliates and those simply inspired by Al Qaeda's work. In response to a letter from Al Shabab leadership in Somalia expressing interest in identifying themselves as an Al Qaeda affiliate, bin Laden wrote, "If asked, it would be better to say there is a relationship with al-Qaida, which is simply a brotherly Islamic connection, and nothing more," according to the United Press International.

"Rather than a source of strength, [bin Laden] was burdened by what he viewed the incompetence of the 'affiliates,' including their lack of political acumen to win public support ... and their poorly planned operations which resulted in the unnecessary deaths of thousands of Muslims," reads the CTC report. Bin Laden was apparently disappointed by affiliate group ISI/AQI's arbitrary attacks on Shi?ite civilians, and warned other affiliates not to commit the same mistakes.

Bin Laden feared the frequency of civilian deaths that often occurred as ?collateral damage? in regional attacks were causing the Muslim populace to lose sympathy with the movement ??particularly when these deaths were ?exploited by the enemy,? bin Laden wrote, presumably referring to Western media and governments. He also indicated a desire to create an Al Qaeda Central, a term pulled, ironically, from Western media, to maintain greater oversight of affiliate groups.

Documents also reveal that in light of the Arab Spring ? something bin Laden viewed positively ? he wanted to focus more attention on media and outreach. In part, he hoped to rouse those who hadn?t yet rebelled against their rulers to do so, but he also acknowledged the important role media plays, as ?a [principle] element of the battle.? He expressed an interest in creating an Al Qaeda media outlet that could inform more mainstream Muslims about jihad, and perhaps spark their interest in the movement.

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Monday, May 21, 2012

A Guide on How to Look for a Good Jupiter Plumber

by Soledad Feigenbaum
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A pipe that costs less than a dollar can spring a leak that causes thousands of dollars worth of water damage. Even if you are a do-it-yourself person, there may be a time when you will need the help of a licensed Jupiter plumber. After all, some jobs are just too difficult to do by yourself, or may be unsafe to do without the aid of a professional.

Before you look for a plumber, you should know there are two basic plumber types: plumbers who handle basic repairs and plumbers who specialize in remodeling projects and additions. The latter works under a contractor, so it's important that you don't confuse one with the other. Once you know what kind of plumber you need, then you're ready to read the tips on how to look for a qualified plumber listed below.

A good place to start is with your friends, family, and work acquaintances. If they've had any plumbing work done in their homes, they probably have an idea of the plumber's abilities and how much hiring him will cost. One important thing to ask them is if they were satisfied with the job. Finding the cheapest plumber may be beneficial, but might not be the best choice. It's better to choose a plumber based on customer satisfaction than on costs alone.

Local home improvement stores and plumbing material suppliers may also be good sources of information about qualified plumbers. They may even have a list of in-house plumbers that they can hire out to you. Real estate agents may also be a good source since they often hire plumbers to do some repairs on the homes they will be selling.

You can also use the Internet to look for qualified plumbers. Internet has made it easy to find these experts; all you have to do is search online. You have to be careful though, because hiring a plumber from the Internet can be tricky. Make sure he has the proper credentials and see if the details on his plumbing Palm Beach website check out.

Plumbing Job Estimate

Once you've shortlisted a number of professionals in plumbing Jupiter has, you need to bring them one by one to your home so they can see the extent of the job and give you an estimate.

To know if a plumber is giving you a good price, you'll have to compare it with other bids from other plumbers. This way, you can be assured that you're not being overcharged.

Visit for a more detailed article on how to look for a good plumber and other Jupiter plumbing related topics.

If you have questions, please visit us at for complete details and answers.

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Soledad Feigenbaum
More Details about here.

A Guide on How to Look for a Good Jupiter Plumber

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Friday, May 18, 2012

More doctors are ditching the old prescription pad

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Dropping a paper prescription at the drugstore is becoming old-school: More than a third of the nation's prescriptions now are electronic, according to the latest count.

The government has been pushing doctors to e-prescribe, in part because it can be safer for patients. This year, holdouts will start to see cuts in their Medicare payments.

Thursday's report from Surescripts, the largest network for paperless prescribing, shows more doctors are signing up fast.

At the end of 2011, 36 percent of all prescriptions were electronic ? the doctor wrote it by computer and sent it directly to the pharmacy with the push of a button, the report found. That's up from 22 percent of prescriptions that were paperless a year earlier.

For patients, the convenience is obvious ? shorter drugstore waits. Pharmacists like not having to squint at the doctors' messy handwriting. And computerized ordering systems allow doctors to easily check that a new drug won't interact badly with one the patient's already taking.

New research by Surescripts and some pharmacies and pharmacy benefit managers uncovered another benefit: More patients pick up a new prescription when it's filed electronically.

Doctors know that too often, patients never fill some of their prescriptions. Maybe they lose the slip of paper, or forget to drop it off or decide they can't afford it.

The new research examined 40 million prescriptions, a mix of paper, phoned, faxed or electronic ones ? and found a 10 percent increase in patients who fill a prescription when it's e-prescribed.

The main reasons: Drugstores receive every paperless prescription, and they can call patients to come in and pick up their waiting medicine, said Surescripts' researcher Seth Joseph. Also, e-prescribing programs automatically show the doctor which brands are covered by the patient's insurance with the lowest out-of-pocket cost.

Even if your doctor is a big e-prescriber, you might still walk out with a few paper prescriptions. That's because there are additional steps that doctors and pharmacies must take for electronic prescriptions of controlled substances, such as certain painkillers, and the rules vary by state, Joseph explained.

For several years, the government has run incentive programs to encourage doctors to adopt e-prescribing and other computerized health records, offering payments to help defray the costs of adopting the systems. Now Medicare is beginning to cut some reimbursements to certain doctors who don't e-prescribe at least a little bit.

Surescripts' report counted 390,000 doctors who were e-prescribing at least some of the time in 2011, and its records show an additional 10,000 had begun by the end of February. That translates into just over half of office-based physicians, a big jump since 2008, when only about 12 percent of doctors were e-prescribing.

Associated Press

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Google Search basically reads your mind now

22 hrs.

Sometimes the queries you enter into Google have multiple meanings. Searching?"bears" could mean you want to learn more about the animals or the football team???or perhaps?something else entirely, something far less common. Wouldn't it be nice if Google could simply?guess?what you really want results for?

It now can.

Thanks to what's called Knowledge Graph, Google Search results will now include a little sidebar which allows you to choose from the various meanings of the term you searched for.

For example, if you search for "Andromeda," Google will suggest that you might be looking for information about a galaxy, a?TV show?or a Swedish heavy?metal band. You select which thing you want results about and Google will show you only those?links.

That's not all that Knowledge Graph will offer though. When there aren't multiple meanings for a popular?search term, it will ?provide a summary of relevant information related to your query in the sidebar.

Searching for an artist would bring up his most famous works. A musician query could?show her upcoming concert dates. Search for a TV show, and you might see information about its cast.

Clever, no?

You'll see Knowledge Graph in search results about as often as you see Maps. The feature will start gradually?rolling out to U.S.-based Google users today.

Want more tech news, silly puns, or amusing links? You'll get plenty of all three if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on?Twitter, subscribing to her?Facebook?posts, or circling her?on?Google+.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Changing Dynamic of the Outsourcing Relationship ? Business ...

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Gwinnett non-profit seeks skilled volunteers | Gwinnett Business ...

Filling food pantry shelves is an ongoing challenge for Gwinnett cooperative ministry programs, like the one in Norcross that serves the community's homeless and hungry.

The Norcross Cooperative Ministry (NCM) is building a volunteer team to develop a marketing communications plan to help educate the local community about children and adults dealing with homelessness and hunger right here in Gwinnett.

Volunteer recruitment efforts include finding a team leader to help create the blueprint for a NCM marketing communications plan, outlining the strategies, objectives and elements needed. In addition, this team seeks skilled volunteers with expertise in storytelling, graphics, web site development, print and social media. NCM will need your help about three to five hours each week for a six-week period starting in June.

To offer your services or to learn more about this worthwhile community service opportunity, contact Shirley Cabe at 770-263-0013.


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Monday, May 14, 2012

ShopAndroid Daily Giveaway #71: Andru USB Charger, Lucid 4G Snap-On Cover & more

Welcome back for another week of giveaway's from! Today we'll be featuring the Andru USB Charger, Qmadix Snap-On Cover w/ Holster for LG Lucid 4G, OtterBox Commuter Case for T-Mobile myTouch 4G, and the Body Glove Flex Snap-On Case for Infuse 4G.

To become eligible to win be sure to leave your comment below telling us which item you'd like for your Android device.  One lucky winner will be chosen and announced next week. Good luck!

Andru USB Charger

Andru is a spectacular phone charger made especially for Android phones, though he'll gladly charge any phone or USB-powered device. His included cable has a micro-USB plug, but you can use your own if your device requires it. Let him keep you company at your desk, playfully tousle his antennae, tell him your problems. Andru comes with a desktop stand for when he isn't charging your device.

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Friday, May 11, 2012

Come iOS 6, Apple Will Reportedly Kiss Google Maps Goodbye

maps2Google's map data has been baked into the iOS Maps app since the days of the first, thick, aluminum-backed iPhone, but that may no longer be the case once iOS 6 hits the streets. Unnamed sources told 9to5Mac that the Cupertino company would instead take that opportunity to reveal their own Maps application, and those early reports paint a pretty impressive picture. Astute readers may recall that Apple has been on something of a mapping company shopping spree these past few years -- what began with the purchase of Placebase in 2009, continued with Poly9 in 2010, and culminated with Apple snapping up C3 Technologies late last year.

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Insight: Super PACS: Follow the money - if you can (reuters)

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Join us live for Bill Clinton's CTIA keynote tomorrow at 3PM ET

Join us live for Bill Clinton's keynote from CTIA tomorrow at 3PM ET

Well, we kicked off the week with the current king of regulation, now we end the event with a keynote from a former regulatory king maker. President Bill Clinton will be taking the stage tomorrow afternoon to talk about... something. The philanthropist and former commander-in-chief took the long trip to N'awlins to address the industry and press, so we assume he's got something important to say. If you want to find out exactly what that might be, check back here at the time listed below to watch Willy get his word groove on.

May 10, 2012 3:00 PM EDT

Join us live for Bill Clinton's CTIA keynote tomorrow at 3PM ET originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 09 May 2012 16:45:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Ustream Says Russian Citizen Journalist Is The Focus Of Today?s DDoS Attack

ustreamlogoDeveloping story: Ustream has sent out some details on the DDoS attack that is currently attacking its system -- which was reported on earlier by GigaOm, along with another DDoS attack on Bambuser. A Ustream spokesperson says that the attacked is targeted on user "reggamortis1", a prominent protestor's live Ustream channel. ?"He has been broadcasting from a large protest at the 'China Town' metro stop in Moscow." Ustream says that this is the third major DDoS attack on Ustream in the last six months related to a Russian citizen journalist, and the biggest DDoS attack it has ever had. The site is now gradually coming back up.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Color announces Verizon partnership, preaches the dream of streaming HD


Color founder Bill Nguyen describes the startup's early life as being "in the wilderness," a state, he adds, that can also be used to describe past projects he's helmed (a point we can't exactly argue). Of course, Lala finally found its way -- eventually being scooped up by Apple. And now Color, an app that's already lived through its share of lives, has a big name on its side. The company has partnered with none other than Verizon to help soup up its life-streaming service. The two sides have signed an exclusivity deal that promises to harness Big Red's zippy LTE.

The version of the app which will be exclusively available to subscribers of that carrier brings with it some much welcomed upgrades, including sound and a higher frame rate. Color was pretty insistent that such things weren't key to the app's functionality when it first launched, but it has apparently seen the error of its ways. As Nguyen told us, simply, "we were wrong." Now, thanks to Verizon's 4G technology, it's now able to offer up a product closer to an ideal streaming situation -- a scenario Nguyen apparently decided upon after playing around with a Red camera at CES. The dream now is live HD streaming. More after the break.

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Color announces Verizon partnership, preaches the dream of streaming HD originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 07 May 2012 11:12:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Monday, May 7, 2012

Apple releases iOS 5.1.1 update for iPad, iPod touch and iPhone: fixes AirPlay and network bugs

ipad update ios 5.1.1

Plugged your iDevice into an iTunes-equipped machine lately? You should. Apple has just let loose iOS 5.1.1, a seemingly minor point update that actually promises to fix quite a few (potentially) substantial quirks. Coming two months to the day after the iOS 5.1 software update, the extra 0.0.1 is said to improve reliability of the HDR option for photos taken using the Lock Screen shortcut, address bugs that could prevent the new iPad from switching between 2G and 3G networks and solve a few issues that were affecting AirPlay video playback "in some circumstances." There's also improved reliability for syncing Safari bookmarks and Reading List, and Apple has purportedly fixed an issue where 'Unable to purchase' alert could be displayed after successful purchase. Sucked the update down yourself? Let us know how it goes in comments below, and peek the full changelog just after the break.

Update: Looks like iOS 5.1.1 has already been jailbroken. Huzzah!

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

Continue reading Apple releases iOS 5.1.1 update for iPad, iPod touch and iPhone: fixes AirPlay and network bugs

Apple releases iOS 5.1.1 update for iPad, iPod touch and iPhone: fixes AirPlay and network bugs originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 07 May 2012 13:32:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Samsung Galaxy S III Tracks Your Eyes, Knows When You?re Ready to Call

After months of speculation, Samsung's Galaxy S III smartphone is here. It has a massive touch screen and quad-core CPU, but it's most noteworthy features tie into human behavior prediction -- seriously.

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Friday, May 4, 2012

Verizon's HomeFusion LTE to the home now available nationwide

Verizon's HomeFusion LTE to the home now available nation-wide Verizon is trying to put the final nail in the coffin of its DSL service. Of course, that's still a long way off but, for those outside of reach of its FiOS tentacles, Big Red is pushing HomeFusion. The LTE to the home solution, which started rolling out in early March, is now available nationwide... provided your definition of "nationwide" jibes with Verizon's. Still, with a claimed two-thirds of the US population covered by 230 distinct 4G markets, VZW is hoping to expand its residential broadband footprint without running those costly and ugly wires. The five to 12 Mbps down, and two to five Mbps up speeds aren't going to beat a fiber to the home connection, but it should run circles around your average DSL line. One thing it wont do, though, is save you money. With plans starting at $60 a month for 10GB of data and climbing to $120 for 30GB (not to mention the $10 per GB overage fees) HomeFusion isn't exactly a bargain. For more info check out the PR after the break.

Continue reading Verizon's HomeFusion LTE to the home now available nationwide

Verizon's HomeFusion LTE to the home now available nationwide originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 02 May 2012 13:44:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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